Don't Panic! Tips for Handling CBSE Exam Stress (For Parents)

The CBSE exams are a crucial milestone in every Indian student's academic journey. As parents, it's natural to feel stressed alongside your child during this time. But remember, panicking won't help! Here are some practical tips to navigate this period calmly and support your child effectively: Be the Pillar of Calm: Your attitude matters: Children are perceptive. If you're constantly worried, it will only amplify their anxiety. Project confidence and optimism, and remind them of their past successes. Focus on effort, not outcome: Inculcate the idea that giving their best effort is more important than achieving a specific mark. CBSE schools in Coimbatore Create a Supportive Environment: Organize a study space: Ensure it's well-lit, clutter-free, and has everything they need to focus. Set a healthy routine: Establish a regular sleep schedule and encourage breaks with physical activity or relaxation techniques like deep breathing. Maintain a balan...