How to prepare for an exam? 12 tips for success

For many students, studying for tests is one of the most challenging courses because of the anxiety they can create. Sometimes we are even unsure of where to begin. There is no need to fear: for this reason, neuroscientists, psychologists, nutritionists, professors, teachers, and students have gathered around a large amount of research that gives us strategies to improve memory, levels of concentration, and even mood. With the above three tools, it is possible to study more effectively, learn more efficient study techniques, and maintain a positive mood to face the test challenge. Best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore 1. Breakfast and brain foods Our body needs energy to function properly. The brain requires an adequate and constant supply of energy in the form of glucose. Students who eat breakfast do better on tests, according to research, because they have an easier time concentrating and remembering information. Therefore, it is good to start the day with carbohydrates that release energ...