
Showing posts from August, 2022

How to prepare for an exam? 12 tips for success

For many students, studying for tests is one of the most challenging courses because of the anxiety they can create. Sometimes we are even unsure of where to begin. There is no need to fear: for this reason, neuroscientists, psychologists, nutritionists, professors, teachers, and students have gathered around a large amount of research that gives us strategies to improve memory, levels of concentration, and even mood. With the above three tools, it is possible to study more effectively, learn more efficient study techniques, and maintain a positive mood to face the test challenge. Best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore 1. Breakfast and brain foods Our body needs energy to function properly. The brain requires an adequate and constant supply of energy in the form of glucose. Students who eat breakfast do better on tests, according to research, because they have an easier time concentrating and remembering information. Therefore, it is good to start the day with carbohydrates that release energ...

Effective communication with children

Communication is defined as a process by which information can be transmitted between a sender and a receiver. But communication may or may not be effective, that the information can reach a person and they do not understand it, and it is important in the case of our children that it be effective communication. Today we are talking about effective communication with our children since this helps to create a climate of trust and security, essential for their healthy development and growth. If communication is effective, boys and girls feel understood, their self-esteem improves, and their social skills too. Best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore What are effective communication and its characteristics? Effective communication is the ability to be able to transmit a message correctly, to be able to show and externalize our ideas and suggestions, so that our information is understood and then you can also remember what we say and act based on this information. Characteristics of effective commun...

The Importance of Early Childhood Education in 2022

This educational stage is a moment of great sensitivity and of utmost importance to establish in boys and girls the foundations of the aspects that will shape their future as people. Early Childhood Education is a non-compulsory stage of schooling from zero to six years, but it is no less important than any other. But if it is not compulsory, why is early schooling relevant? How can not receive it properly affect the little ones? According to UNICEF data, one in five children does not have access to an equitable and quality education, which entails a notable gap in their evolution, when the figures of some countries are compared with others, especially if the educational intervention is early. From the first days we not only develop at a motor or cognitive level, but we also create our social world, generating from the beginning a way of relating to each other. Therefore, this stage is crucial to highlight the need to generate diverse learning spaces where you can work with children th...

7 key ideas to understand child psychology

Fundamental ideas that help to understand the way of thinking and feeling of the little ones. Child psychology is a fascinating field of research and intervention, as well as being one of the most important. Knowing better or worse the way of behaving, thinking and feeling of the little ones can have very important implications in their physical and mental development. Not surprisingly, childhood is a stage in which we are especially sensitive to what happens around us, and if we do not have the knowledge or proper supervision parents and guardians should be aware that there may be severe consequences. For this reason, in the following lines, we will see a selection of fundamental ideas belonging to the world of child psychology, with which it is possible to better understand children. Best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore 7 keys to better understanding child psychology These are several fundamental ideas that are worth knowing as parents, guardians or education professionals when helping ch...