How to Educate Your Children in The Value of Solidarity

Guidelines for teaching children to be supportive

Solidarity  is a fundamental value in the education of our children . As parents we must talk to them about the importance of helping others and sharing. And also, why not, to feel better about ourselves, because giving is as satisfying or more satisfying than receiving, and educating our children in this feeling is beneficial for them and for future society.

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Because we all have more or less clear that we should teach our children to share, so we do it (or try to do it) at home with the family, at school with classmates and in the park with any little friend. However, sometimes words are not enough... How can we instill this feeling in our children on a larger scale? We share a series of  ideas and guidelines to educate your children in the value of solidarity.

Keys to teach your children the value of solidarity

The most obvious and also the most efficient way to educate our children to show solidarity is to lead by example.  We cannot tell our children to lend their toys if we do not do the same with our things (books, belongings, gadgets...).

It is good that they accompany us, for example, to choose gifts for someone, for a birthday or a party, but also for no apparent reason, for the simple fact of doing it; or  that they see us selflessly lending  and borrowing things from other people. 

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Similarly,  they will learn to share their time if we do too .

There are many  volunteer activities  that can be carried out as a family so that, from a very young age, they become familiar with this world of solidarity, from helping to clean the mountain or the beach to accompanying or running errands for a neighbor who is alone.

Along the same lines, to educate in solidarity it can be very positive  to sponsor a disadvantaged child , someone they can put a face on, with whom they can write or talk and even, at a given moment, meet. In this way we will also be working on empathy with them: being able to know how other people feel and putting ourselves in their place to understand their reactions and ways of acting.

Small (not so small) gestures of everyday life can help us instill these values:

Books and stories to educate in solidarity

Classic  or very modern stories, in paper or digital format. There are also many traditional legends that show them the value of friendship, that sometimes "you can't do it alone, but with friends you can", of listening and helping. Better if we read them together, because that way we will also be dedicating time to them and showing them that the best things are not the material ones.

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Team sports to learn to show solidarity

In addition to all the positive aspects of sport (well-being, order, discipline, sacrifice to achieve a goal), if the sport they practice is a team sport, they will also learn that each piece of gear has a function, and that all of them are equally important. . Again, working as a team side by side with other people and making an effort.

Technology at the service of solidarity

With the limitations of each age, and always taking care that screen time is limited and consistent, new technologies can contribute a lot in the world of solidarity. To begin with, thanks to the Internet it is possible to see the world, the whole world!, learn about other cultures and even interact with people from other places. From a very young age, they can also have access to educational applications that incorporate these topics as something everyday and even fun for them.

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"Clean up" to help the underprivileged

Nothing like a day of "family order" to realize everything we have, what we "left over" and what we can share. I would recommend practicing this routine a couple of times a year, maybe summer and Christmas, and encourage children to be the ones to decide what toys, clothes or belongings they can donate and how they will make other children as happy as they have been before. with those same things.

A bit of our time for those who have less

When they are a little older, they can also dedicate an hour or two of their time to  teaching in a refugee or homeless children's center  that is close to home (many parishes and neighborhood associations, without financial resources, usually organize activities of this type in which they are delighted to have all the help that is offered to them), to provide services in the neighborhood or in the municipality, and even to travel to other places with the sole purpose of helping. I can assure you that the experience will enrich them and change them forever.

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According to the United Nations, the solidarity of its members is essential to maintain international peace and security. If we start from the bottom, from every home in the world, this goal will be a little closer for our children's generation.

Companies can also contribute to this cause. In our case, we incorporate different songs and content about caring for the planet, the importance of companionship and children's emotions into our  online platform  for teaching English to children at an early age, everything adds up!

The children of today, like the adults of tomorrow they will be, must be educated in values ​​if we want a better future world, not for us, but for themselves.


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