Emotional Education Or How To Recognize And Manage Emotions


In everyday life, in which everything goes fast, in which it is necessary to face many demands and responsibilities, in addition to having to adapt to constantly changing environments, it is essential to find balance and inner well-being. 

CBSE Schools in Coimbatore

What is meant by emotional education?

Know your own emotions, manage them, and give them the appropriate response. Knowing who we are, what we feel and perceive, as well as applying patience, trust, empathy and respect in our responses to those around us, is fundamental to having a happy and fulfilling life.

The responses we give to the different stimuli and situations that life presents us originate from the emotions we feel. From there arises the need to learn to manage emotions and the interpretations we make of reality. Faced with certain situations, which the individual feels as threatening, the response is usually automatic, reacting impulsively to the stimulus without a brief prior reflection. Our body is not capable of choosing which emotions to feel, but we can decide what to do with that emotion.

Therefore, one of the objectives of education must be to provide the necessary tools or skills to recognize, understand, manage their own emotions and those of others, and schools are places of learning where children spend many hours of the day, for school is an ideal place for them to develop these skills.

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What is emotional education and its importance?

Schools are committed to a comprehensive education for boys and girls academically, cognitively and intellectually, without forgetting emotional development and certain values such as respect and tolerance between individuals. The key to achieve the latter lies in the degree of emotional responsibility that exists among the students, a determining factor for the progressive reduction of the rates of violence among adolescents.

In addition, emotional intelligence is considered essential for self-control and for the development of social skills that allow a greater adaptation of the person to changes. It also has to do with working on self-confidence and self-confidence,  emotional control and self-motivation  to achieve goals.

These skills must be worked on as a continuous and permanent process in all educational stages and life in general. For this reason, it has been verified that it is essential that Emotional Education be established in the curriculum as a transversal area.

On the other hand, since emotions influence the reasoning capacity, memory, decision-making and the attitude to learn, they are considered to be part of the learning process. If we manage emotions in a negative way, our reactions are impulsive and lead us to frustration, rejection or throwing in the towel. But, if we learn to manage our emotions, they help promote learning, since they can stimulate the activity of the neural networks in the brain.

Learning is better consolidated in our brain when emotions are involved.

You learn to manage emotions in a fun and motivating way. Games and stories are the favorite tools of teachers who develop Emotional Education in their classrooms. 


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What specific skills are we working on in BSS schools?

From protesting to proposing!

Tools to find solutions and thus manage the complaint.

Emotional autonomy!

That well-being does not depend on the environment.

Patience against frustration!

Cooperative Skills!

Respecting the contributions and opinions of others.

From vanity to humility!

Tools to curb the unbridled rise of the ego.


Prioritize being over having and doing.


Ability to assume responsibilities calmly.

Fear Management!

Control of nervousness that causes decision making.

Self motivation!

Tools to overcome adversity.

Self esteem!

Developing confidence, courage and security.

Positive and assertive communication!

Control of reactions favoring healthy relationships.

Emotional self-regulation!

Anger control.

Basic emotions!

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What are they, what are they for and how are they managed positively?

Emotional awareness!

Emotional intelligence to avoid hurting others.

Error management!

Mistakes as a learning opportunity.

In short, emotional education encompasses a wide range of tools, abilities and skills that are worked to favor both the well-being of the individual and that of the people around them. 

And among the multiple objectives that it has, we highlight the seven that are intended to be achieved in the schools

Objectives of Emotional Education 

Gain a better understanding of one's own emotions

Identify the emotions of others

Develop the ability to regulate one's emotions

Prevent the detrimental effects of intense negative emotions.

Develop the ability to generate positive emotions

Acquire the ability to relate emotionally in a positive way with others

Develop the ability to self-motivate and adopt a positive attitude towards life


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